Our new Low Carbon Tours are a step towards even more sustainable travel planning through reducing the carbon footprint of our tours. Low Carbon Tours are planned in a way that doesn't take away the excitement and unforgettable experiences of your holiday. Instead, they give you a chance to enjoy travelling now, and in the future.
In our Low Carbon Tours you get to enjoy Finland in a sustainable way.
What is done to reach a lower carbon footprint?
In our Low Carbon Tours planning we take into consideration the different areas of sustainability. Low Carbon Tours are planned to be sustainable in all areas of sustainability, such as social and cultural, but the biggest emphasis in these tours is on their ecological impact.
To reduce the tours impact on the environment we have chosen a group of services that will have as low carbon footprint as possible. This means that all of the activities, accommodations, meals and transportation of the tour are as ecological as possible.
To give you an idea of the concrete actions to make this happen, here are some examples:
- Every activity is man-powered, meaning that there are no motors or fuels used
- all accommodations take account of the environment and strive to lower their ecological impact
- meals included in the tours are vegetarian, vegan or locally produced
- transportation is as ecological as possible
- short distance is covered by man power, like cycling
- longer distance is covered by train or bus
Besides the ecological point of view our Low Carbon Tours support a wide range of cultural, social and economical sustainability, such as local and rural businesses, education and training of local workers, as well as authentic culture, arts and history. Read more about our values and responsibility in our Social Responsibility Strategy and Sustainability Plan.